Read about our personal explorations of magic in our everyday lives.

Pipaluk's Story free magic gratitude journal lifestyle pipaluk practice Jun 26, 2024

Death always haunted me. I remember lying awake at night, young and unaware of most of the world, terrified that my existence would be ended abruptly by World War III. This existential dread was my...

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Tarot, Transience, and the Fleeting of Moments guest lesson journal serafina tarot May 22, 2024

Transience:  The quality or state of being transient

Transient:     Passing especially quickly into and out of existence


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Akashic Records - The Basics journal practical magic Apr 10, 2024

Everybody has the ability to access the Akashic Records, specifically their own, and many of us have most likely already done so without even knowing. There is so much more to this world than what...

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Barren Land journal Mar 27, 2024

Some say it’s barren, dull. It lacks beauty. But it is not always just about what we see, but about what we allow ourselves to feel. 

I spent a week on Lanzarote, in a small village on...

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Search for the Self journal poem Feb 28, 2024

Who do we become when we allow ourselves 

to connect to who we truly are? 

When we manage to let go of all constraints. 

Everything that is holding us back. 

Our own chains...

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Make Life Meaningful dreaming free magic journal pipaluk Feb 07, 2024

She looked straight into my eyes and spoke with an unwavering voice:

"Do you think you have it in you? To care enough about life to want it to mean something? Then you would actually have to try...

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A Brief Overview of the Wheel of the Year journal Jan 31, 2024

 Just a few months ago I had no idea what the wheel of the year was. I kept on getting it mixed up with the book series and Netflix show Wheel of Time. I pretty much thought it was the same...

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Journeying Inward journal Jan 17, 2024

Here in Bavaria, Germany it feels like the true winter season is only just beginning. The busy and exciting times of pre-Christmas, Christmas, and New Year’s are over and some of us might...

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Thoughts on New Year's Resolutions journal serafina Jan 03, 2024

It is always a special time when the past year comes to an end and a new one begins. We reflect on what has passed and look into the future at what is to come. Many of us choose to make New...

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Solving Social Anxiety at the End of the Year journal mindfulness Dec 19, 2023

Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and the time in between are sold to us as a beautiful time, but in reality it can cause a lot of social anxiety for some of us. There are Christmas parties to...

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Full Moon Purification full moon journal pipaluk purification Nov 29, 2023

The heart skipped a beat as the lungs expanded sharply to draw in a breath. The cold water shocked the body after a week spent in uninterrupted heat. The Island of Gods revealed a new face at the...

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I knew the future & ended up in hospital. free magic journal pipaluk practical magic protection seasonal magic seasons stars & seasons Nov 15, 2023

Part 1: How I ended up in hospital
Part 2: How I predicted this months earlier
Part 3: How I could have prevented getting hurt

Part 1:
I knew it was coming. I just didn’t know how. This is the...

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