Do you want to feel the magic?

Join Magic is Key, School of Effective Spiritual Practices, to uplift your life!

Try it out for FREE!
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"In your heart you already know that a little magic can change your life in a big way."

"You're so at peace!"

There is a depth and inner power that arises when your spirit has a strong foundation.

→ The more you show up to your spiritual practice, the greater its impact on your life: You will feel such a big positive effect on your wellbeing that you'll never want to go back.

→ You will feel connected and secure in your life. Everything around you will start to shift in a beautiful way.

→ When you have clarity around your spiritual practice, you will start to feel more clear in your whole life. "I am having really good days and feel myself moving forward with what I truly want in life."

→ All this is what happens when you commit yourself to the study and practice of the magical arts.

Your spiritual practice is the way you show up for your life. "This is who I am. I am at peace. I know what I am living for and what my next steps are." It is ongoing work to feel in tune with yourself and have clarity. A spiritual practice helps you live life in tune with your highest truth and deepest desire in a way that is not only good for you, but also good for the world. Being in a supportive community can be the key to consistency.

"I have never been able to keep up a consistent daily practice but now it's been over a month. I am really noticing the positive impact this is having on my life."

Before we continue...

Take a look at these reviews:

"This is a treasure trove of magic!"

When I first signed up, I did not realize I would receive such a treasure trove of magic. There is so much to discover here! It's like having permanent access to a magical library wherever I am and each time I enter I discover something new.

"This is exceeding my expectations."

I've always wanted to find out what impact a spiritual practice can have. When I signed up I never expected I would have powerful realizations every week. What surprised me is how easy it is to integrate into my daily life.

"Everything in my life feels more in flow."

My busy life always kept me from figuring out how to make time for meditation. The weekly member's e-mails, the live calls, and being able to choose between a 5min practice or an in depth course have kept me on track.

We are Serafina & Pipaluk, co-creators of Magic is Key.

We are here for your wellbeing!


Six years ago we were both running low on energy. Serafina kept getting promoted at her corporate job, yet felt exhausted and was struggling with her health. Pipaluk had built a very successful business helping people with their spiritual practice, but was burning out and struggling in her personal life.

Fast forward to today and we are thriving! We have learned to flow with the motions of life and feel in tune with our truth. Challenges always come, but having the resources to face them has made us feel empowered and brave enough to live a life that feels deeply meaningful.


In the beginning it was a struggle.

We had so much to learn.


The greatest change? We found a unique approach to spirituality. It is flexible and resourceful. It adapts with ease to meet the changing needs of life and is the foundation with which we meet every challenge we face.

Our strategy was to take our combined skills and knowledge to create something truly unique that applies ancient wisdom to the modern age. Through practice and persistence we have figured out an approach that actually works. A sprinkle of fun and playfulness makes it easy to keep going no matter what is happening in life.


Ready for it?


Joining will get you the following:

→ All the tools you need to show up consistently to a spiritual practice that meets your unique needs. Whether you prefer videos, audio, reading, or interacting with others, Magic is Key has got you covered.

→ Ongoing support to keep you on track. As a member you get one weekly e-mail and at least two live calls every month. You can also ask questions at any time. This makes it easy to show up consistently to your spiritual practice.

→ A positive impact on your life. Diving deep into magic will help you get to know yourself better. Did you know that you are full of wisdom? Or that you already have all the answers inside of you? Once you join and try some of our courses, you will not only know this, you will feel it, too!

"For the whole family!"

I've been doing some of the practices with my family and it has been absolutely wonderful for us to connect in this way. 

"So many powerful realizations."

I followed the Journey to Your Essence course and I've discovered so much about myself that I didn't know. I've found it very helpful and I am excited about what I'll learn in the next course.

"It's really practical and useful."

What I really like is how I've been able to apply everything I'm learning to my daily life. It's interesting that other people seem to notice a positive change as well.

These are the 5 pillars of the Magic is Key membership:

Pillar #1: A practical approach to ancient ways.

"I've tried spiritual practices before but never quite understood how to apply them to my life effectively."

→ Everything inside the Magic is Key membership is created in such a way that you get to have a direct experience of the magic.

→ There is plenty of theory and knowledge for you to discover and it always comes hand in hand with how to actually practice what you are learning.

Pillar #2: Easy to integrate into daily life.

"I am so busy, often feel overwhelmed and have a lot going on. It is a struggle for me to keep up with a spiritual practice, even though I know it would help me a lot."

→ Plenty of suggestions are sprinkled throughout all practices, meditations and courses to make it easy for your spirituality to become part of your daily life.

→ You'll rarely need to make a separate time for your spiritual practice, unless you want to, when it is seamlessly integrated.

→ 5 minute practices and easy access from every device will have you diving deep into your magic in no time!

Pillar #3: Develop your unique spiritual practice.

"There are so many spiritual teachings but I've never quite found the perfect fit for me."

→ Find the support and confidence to build a spiritual practice that fits your life.

→ Ask questions during live calls or whenever you want in the comment section. Enjoy the prompts in every course and meditation that help you make the practice your own.

→ Find easy solutions for you to adapt and change your spiritual practice to meet the needs of your ever changing life.

Pillar #4: Live rituals, support, and community.

"I often feel alone in my spiritual practice."

→ Join super secret extra special members only live calls every month to connect with other likeminded people, ask questions and receive support.

→ Comment sections are below every lesson and every practice. Ask questions at any time to get support, share your reflections and get inspired by others.

Pillar #5: Living and growing traditions.

"I sometimes feel afraid to question existing spiritual traditions or to approach them creatively. I am scared I might do something wrong."

→ Learn to honor and respect ancient ways while confidently practicing your own living spiritual tradition.

→ Discover how having fun and being playful with your spirituality keeps it fresh and alive.

→ Find out how your spiritual practice can help change the world in a beautiful way.

Discover the Magic is Key membership

Here's a summary of everything that's inside:


  • Journey to Your Essence, 3.5 hour deep dive course. (€289)
  • Mysteries of the Wild Nights full course. Discover an ancient tradition from the German speaking Alps to transition with grace and intention from one year into the next. Learn the secret behind the 13 wishes and join in a live Winter Solstice ritual. (€389)
  • The Art of Candle Visualization. (€99)
  • Wheel of Time Visualization Special: The Void, the Flame, and the Rose. (€49)
  • Elemental Relationships. An in depth course to help you connect to the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Includes six guided ceremonies. (€299)
  • 13 Journaling practices, including prompts, meditations, and an in depth look at tools and mindset. (€199)
  • 11 Breathwork practices with guidance in video, audio and text format (€199)
  • Align, a full course on an alignment practice that includes detailed inner and outer cosmology for a holistic experience. (€79)
  • The Wheel of the Year. Access to up to 8 new rituals every year celebrating the movement of our planet through the cosmos. (€299)
  • Members only live calls every month. Join in live full/new moon rituals, receive ongoing support and community connection. (€599)
  • New practices / courses added every week. (Total value increases every week!)


By signing up to this membership you are investing in a lifetime of spiritual practices and choosing to make a positive impact happen in all areas of your life.



Total current value: €2.500 now available for just €349,-

Amazing, I'm signing up!

These people have already joined


And this is what they're saying

"A treasure trove of magic!"

When I first signed up, I did not realize I would receive such a treasure trove of magic. There is so much to discover here!

"I'm actually consistent with my daily practice."

I've always struggled showing up to a spiritual practice every day, even though I know how beneficial it is. Now I'm actually consistent with my daily practice and I am noticing the difference in my life. The live calls and special members e-mails help me stay on track.

"I did not expect this!"

I signed up because dedicating time to a spiritual practice has been on my list for many years. I did not expect there to be so many practices and to also connect with a community. I am going much deeper than I thought and am so grateful for it.

There's more!

These extras are included in the membership

Total value: €498 + ??? :-)

Workbooks & Journals

Create precious books for your future self. Inside their precious pages you will find valuable insights and plenty of space to write, make art, and take notes.

Value: €249

Weekly Guidance

It can be challenging to stick with your spiritual practices and studies. Our special members only weekly emails offer guidance, gentle reminders, and support. Remember, it is showing up every day to your practice that brings you long term wellbeing.

Value: €249 :-)

Keep Your Price Forever + Get Extra Surprises

Magic is Key is a living membership. We are constantly adding new features and coming up with special ways to thank our members. Our guarantee from us to you is that no matter how big we get, you will always get to keep the price that you signed up with. The earlier you sign up, the greater the value in the long term.

Value: €??? :-)


Who is this for?


→ You want a spiritual practice that is not just for the moment, but for your life.

→ You already have a spiritual practice and want to go deeper in a way that flows with your life and leaves plenty of space for you to creatively adapt it to meet your ongoing changing needs.

→ You want to trust yourself, your intuition and feel at peace. You know that today can always be a little bit better than yesterday.

→ You want to know how to apply your spiritual practices to your daily life in a way that is effective and has a positive impact.

→ You have a deep desire to study all the magical arts and integrate them seamlessly into your life.

→ You care deeply about the world and the cosmos you live in and want to be a source of goodness.


All together the price should be at least  €2.500.

Even if we made the price €999 per year, it would be very generous as we are always adding new courses, practices and study material. We might raise the price to this in the future. But right now you can get it at just €349 annually and keep this wonderfully low price forever.

Monthly or Annual?

Choose your plan:

Monthly subscription: You pay once a month for unlimited access.

Includes 5 day FREE trial.

12 payments of 


per year.


Choose Monthly Subscription

Annual subscription: Save money by paying just once a year.

Includes 7 day FREE trial.

1 payment of 


per year. (Just €0.95/day)


Choose Annual Subscription

"A treasure trove of magic!"

When I first signed up, I did not realize I would receive such a treasure trove of magic. There is so much to discover here!

"I'm actually consistent with my daily practice."

I've always struggled showing up to a spiritual practice every day, even though I know how beneficial it is. Now I'm actually consistent with my daily practice and I am noticing the difference in my life. The live calls and special members e-mails help me stay on track.

"I did not expect this!"

I signed up because dedicating time to a spiritual practice has been on my list for many years. I did not expect there to be so many practices and to also connect with a community. I am going much deeper than I thought and am so grateful for it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to join?


What are you waiting for?

See this as an investment in your life. After all, joining this membership and following along the courses, practices and live calls, will have a massive positive impact on all areas of your life.

It is almost as if you were hiring Serafina and Pipaluk personally to support you in building your spiritual foundation for your lifetime. Whatever you put into this membership you will get back at least threefold in the incredible beauty, wonder and magic that will unfold in your life.

Sign up for Monthly
Save with Annual


100% money back guarantee if you sign up for the membership, complete three courses and decide this is not for you. Just send us an e-mail within 14 days of your first payment and we will help you. This means you can join the Magic is Key membership completely risk free.